Miberg S.r.l.

  Via degli Artigiani, 21

  24039 Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII (BG) Italy

  Tel: (+39)

  Fax: (+39)


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If you come from Bergamo, take the ring road SS671 towards Lecco, exit at Terno d'Isola. In this section you will find directions for Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII.

Coming from Milan on the highway exit is Capriate.


Calculate your route with ViaMichelin oppure Google Maps

Miberg s.r.l. - Via Degli Artigiani, 21 - 24039 Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII (BG) - Tel: (+39) 035 43.80.300 - Fax: (+39) 035 79.39.05 - P.IVA 03394870160